Here is a collection of background knowledge to help you get started with the fast work schedule automation software Schedule Nurse. The monthly shift work schedule for nurses and caregivers is a problematic academic problem called the Nurse Scheduling Problem.

Many horizontal and vertical constraints characterize the nurse scheduling problem. As you are aware, it is not easy to solve.
It is not a simple construct that automation will make it easier.

My two key points for creating a shift work schedule are as follows.

    1. Nature of the nurse scheduling problem must be captured.
    2. The crux of automation is communicating many constraints to the computer.

There is a profound gap between those who research and develop software and those who use it.
How do we bridge this gap? It has been my theme for many years.

In conclusion, the most efficient way to bridge the gap is for the users to know.
Please feel free to read it over a cup of coffee.